Month: June 2006

  • Back in Canada!

    We’re in Vancoobner now. Flight seemed relatively quick and peaceful, despite the large number of babies around us. Not like the flight to China, where one baby cried his fool head off the entire time. Most wonderful words we will never hear; “For your comfort and convenience, this flight is supplied with screaming-brat-sized doses of…

  • China day 21: Homeward bound

    Today we return to Canada. Packed up all of our stuff. Always seems like you go home with more than you came with, even when you deliberately avoid loading up on touristy knick-knacks. Sabrina’s parents came over. Her dad cooked us a nice lunch of noodles with fried egg, mean and veggies. Taxied to airport,…

  • China day 20

    Up at 6am to prepare to go. Took a shuttle bus to the airport. Along the way, observed another difference in the Chinese way: you commonly see little Mom-and-Pop type shops selling some surprising things. Very industrial things. In Canada, you would never see a tiny shop with a 10 foot frontage selling industrial products…

  • China day 19

    Woke up at the crack of noon. Decided to see the two Goose Pagodas, Small and Large. The Small Goose was within walking range, so we set off. Stopped on the way at a nice restaurant, had handmade noodles, steamed buns. Continued walk to Small Goose. Small Goose Pagoda was in an inactive Buddhist temple…

  • China day 18

    Woke up early, but there was some confusion about the time. We were supposed to leave at 7:30, so we set a wake-up call for 7:00. The call came, and I got up, but Sabrina said it was only 6:30. I figured she had changed the wake-up call time. But then the tour guide called…