Month: February 2010

  • Electronics for old people

    As our population ages, here’s one feature that consumer electronics makers really have to start thinking about: lock-down modes for old people. I need a way to set up my Mom’s TV, cable box and DVD player in such a way that she can’t possibly screw it up.

  • Expensive watches

    The world of watches is a strange place. The best watches tend to be relatively inexpensive, while some rather poor watches are priced out of range of all but the very wealthy. By “best” and “poor”, I’m referring not to subjective things like aesthetics. I’m not even going to bother thinking about whether a Gucci…

  • Wheat decadent bone multi-layer

    Here’s a really long bit of insane Engrish from a box of Chinese candies. Just try to understand this, I defy you. Wuxue city (old name Guangji county) the Guangji crunchy candy, origins from the Ming Dynasty wanlinian, because hands down a loyal son the mother to dye cold illness, by fries ripely the sesame…