Category: Homebrewing

  • How not to build a kegerator

    We’re planning a bar renovation, and I wanted to take the opportunity to build in an ultimate homebrew draft system. The heart of this new draft system is to be a Danby DWC2727BLS.  The DBC2760BLS appears to be effectively identical, with a slightly different arrangement of internal shelves.  This is a “french door” wine/beverage centre. …

  • Lazy “homebrewing”

    I don’t really have nearly as much time for brewing as I would like.  So, my kegerator tends to go long periods with no beer in it. Until now. If you have a kegerator, but no time for brewing, and happen to live in the Southwestern Ontario area, then take up thy Corny keg and…

  • Pneumatic pinch valve, 1/2″ version

    After successful testing of my prototype pneumatic pinch valve with a 3/8″ bore, I proceeded to design an improved version with a full 1/2″ bore. This version uses silicone tubing instead of latex, which I believe will not contribute any off-flavours, and will not break down eventually as latex tubing is prone to do. In…

  • Pneumatic pinch valve

    In a previous post, I wrote about an experiment at building a solenoid pinch-valve, as an inexpensive alternative to the exorbitantly-priced solenoid valves commonly used in automated homebrewing systems. That attempt was a failure, not even able to seal against 5psi pressure. I have since attempted another approach: a pneumatic pinch valve. The idea here…

  • Homebrewing pages updated

    I’ve done some more work on my brewing gear, updated a few of my old construction pages, and added a couple new ones. Converted more kegs into brewing vessels. I used a new welding company, Grand Valley Specialty Welding, who did much nicer work than the last guy. Also added a glass sight gauge to…