Monthly Archive for July, 2008

Is making milk same as making poo and pee?

Breastfeeding supposedly is a good way to put Daniel to sleep.  But it does not always work.   Nevertheless, it makes someone fall asleep very easily — me.   One afternoon, both of us were lying in the bed — breastfeeding .   Then he stopped drinking and started to squeal while I was in a daydream already.  Oh.. Lord, mercy mercy me, just let me sleep for five minutes.  I called in Ron and asked him to take care of Daniel so that I can sleep:” I need to rest because I am making milk and I am tired. “  He said:” You don’t have to do anything to make milk, it is your body does it. “  “Well yes, my body is part of me.  So I am working!” “My body makes poo and pee all the time and I don’t feel anything. “  “……………….besides making poo and pee at the same time I am making more nutritious milk!  Dude, you don’t understand how tiring it is! “
