Monthly Archive for February, 2012

“Can you share the boy?”

Before Lucas was born, I could hardly believe I would love somebody else just like the way I love Danny or even more. I was thinking, no matter what, Danny is my first baby, he will always be holding the very special position in my heart. It turned out that I was very wrong.
When the tiny little creature arrived, baby Lucas was totally dependent on the mother. I devoted all my time to my newborn. Plus I needed time for myself to rest and recover,  so I had barely spent any time with Danny for a while.  He once was my only baby, the most important person in my life. I had let him go with his Daddy. I am sure it was a big change and must be a hard one on him. But Danny adapted to the change and gets along very well with his daddy.

Days, then months passed… when I had a break then I looked at him again. Who is that little one running in the house? Is he still my baby boy? Long limbs, jumping around with so much dexterity. Talking, laughing, and joking in a language which is not my mother tongue, and having so much fun with Daddy. Daddy is his buddy, the one he goes to when he has boo boo, the one he goes to get a hug, the one he goes to when he is sad. I am standing there, feel like I am a stranger… to him. I feel a bit sore in my heart, can I still get him back? I asked myself.
One day, Lucas went to bed early. Daddy was sitting in front of his computer and Danny wanted attention. I got the chance and I picked him up then I started to play with him. Soon little boy smiled like a flower.
Ron came out, “What are you doing with my boy?” Knowing him so well, I knew this was coming. “He is my boy!” I responded. “My boy!”…(you know why we got married)
I turned to Danny and asked, “Whose boy are you?” He looked at me perplexed. I got a bit worried about his answer.
“Can you share the boy?” after a little while, Danny uttered.
I gave Danny a hug and held him tight, “Of course!” 🙂


Lucas拉肚子拉了有一阵了。  但是,他除了拉肚子,好像没有其他症状。  本想带他去看医生,但是想想我们的家庭医生,估计看了也是白看。 心想,再等等,说不定该好了。 可是他是越拉越厉害了。 而且抱着他,我已经能够明显感到他轻了。  这可不好,只能带他去看我们的家庭医生了。

Lucas过了一下磅,6天轻了9盎司。 我心头一痛, 但神医说,还可以!  随即给了两个小瓶,让检验大便。  然后又嘱咐我, 说什么什么不能吃了。

我问她,我在喝honey, 对宝宝有什么影响么。  她说没有。 我又问,那么maple syrup, 宝宝能吃么。 神医疑惑了一下,“不能吃,它们是一类的。”  我无语。。。:'(

我表达自己非常担心,由于大意,Lucas已经拉了可能快3周了。 体重也由原先的90% 降到75%。  神医道,“没事,他个子大,经得住 。”。。。我感觉心在流血啊。

